Thursday, September 11, 2008

Don't be evil: Googlag commemorates 9-11 by doing nothing

Cassy Fiano has a good post about all the things Googlag does to dress up its world famous logo to commemorate all kinds of events:

There’s Earth Day; Mother’s Day; Father’s Day; Martin Luther King, Jr Day; The Persian New Year; St. Patrick’s Day; And of course, the Olympics.

For 9-11: Nothing.

Now, Googlag is a private corporation. It doesn’t have to do anything. And it's not like 9-11 is a holiday worth celebrating, but the tera-flop global socialist geeks who inhabit the search giant’s cubicles have made a high profile spectacle of themselves in celebration/solidarity/commemoration of all kinds of people, places, things and events. Many would agree that 9-11 is a tragically historic event worthy of some sort of commemoration.

In addition to Cassy Fiano’s excellent exhibit there's many more examples of all the things Googlag likes to promote, and by omission, doesn't:

The Earth Hour Black Out in which Googlag went all out - so far out that it had a whole day of black screen to show their solidarity.

Or Googlag’s refusal, for eight years, until 2007, to commemorate U.S. Veterans on Memorial day even though Googlag made quite a big deal of recognizing soldiers from other nations - Remembrance Day in Australia, Canada, Ireland and the United Kingdom.

Googlag has recognized the satellite sputnik’s launch, Halloween, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s birthday, the birthday of Percival Lowell, the Lunar New Year, National Teachers Day, Women’s Day, Ray Charles’ birthday, World Water Day and St. George’s Day, but it has ignored Christmas.

Challenge: Can anyone find a single Googlag logo which featured the flag of the U.S. of A.?

A full illustrated list of all Googlag logos back to 1999 available here.

Does Googlag - a U.S. corporation based in the U.S. of A. that benefits from the rich educational, technological and economic climate available here - have to do anything? Nope. But their omission draws a lot of suspicion about their motives and / or allegiance.

TNOYF has a few more questionable Googlag logos.