Monday, September 08, 2008

Gallup Daily: McCain Moves Ahead, 48% to 45%

Bouncy, bouncy, bouncy...

That's a ten point swing in three days!

That's not only news to write home about, it's the first time since Aug. 25th McCain has polled ahead of Obama.

So, is it simply a convention bounce, or a Palin frenzy, or both? And how long before the new wears off the bouncing frenzy?

We shall see, but something upcoming to watch (literally) is Sarah Palin's first TV interview since her VP nomination. Charlie Gibson of ABC News will do the deed, but the network is mum as to when it will air.

Two things to examine after the interview airs will be 1) the interview's ratings share & 2) the polling bounce that McCain/Palin might get from that free ABC air time.

I can hear the nutroots whining about 'fairness' as I type...

Update: Newsbusters wants to know will Charlie Gibson Go Easy, Like on Obama?