Wednesday, September 24, 2008

If McCain wins, America is racist!

We've all heard it.

The left side of the political landscape is awash in this narrative of "just downright mean bitter clingers who won't go lightly into the darkness & vote for a darker folding money president in two Americas which may or may not re-embrace the view of slavery" (or something idiotic like that).

Inexperience, slimy Chicago politics, marxist political philosophy, and a far far left voting record obviously have nothing to do with anything.

It's Racism and the Race.

Some dead tree flamers put a harsher spin on it - alluding to a 'Race war' in America.

The Left continues to bang the drum for race revolution. The foundation is laid. The prejudice entrenched. The bigots in position. Taking it to the streets.

Blogger American Power follows up with more details about how Rioting Could Follow "Racist" GOP Victory in November.

God save the Republic.