Thursday, October 30, 2008

Obama 'the liar' Paid Discount Rates for Prime Time Infomercial

Why a 'liar'?

Because McCain and Obama agreed to accept federal matching funds for this presidential campaign.

McCain kept his word; Obama didn't.

There's nothing untoward about Obama's discount rate. Federal law requires networks to charge the lowest unit cost, in compliance with federal law for political adverts.

But being a liar allowed Obama to make such a prime time purchase when McCain, by law, cannot, so close to election day.

McCain vents about Obama's deceit here.

So, how much did Obama spend?

"The 30-minute program, which reportedly cost the Obama campaign more than $3 million to air, will run on NBC, CBS, and just ahead of the World Series game on Fox and on Spanish language network Univision as well as cable news network MSNBC, and two networks catering to African American audiences, BET and TV One."

Obama's commercial cost $1 million per network to air on NBC, CBS, and Fox, according to media estimates. Costs were not available for the others.

I wonder how much that works out to per undecided voter?