Monday, November 03, 2008

Go. Fight. Yael!

The KC (red) Star's Editorial Page columnist Yael Abouhalkah says Palin's alright for bringing up this media bias thang.

Sarah Palin connects with attack on liberal media.

"Sarah Palin on Sunday punched the liberal media yet again. And this time it looks like she connected.

Hopping on comments promoted by conservative blogs, Palin said the media are trying to hide Barack Obama's comments that his pollution proposal could bankrupt coal plants.

The audio of the interview with the San Francisco Chronicle is here.

The germane part of the interview:

"So if somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can. It’s just that it will bankrupt them because they’re going to be charged a huge sum for all that greenhouse gas that’s being emitted." (Barak Obama, Jan. 2008)

Said Palin on Sunday:

"Why is the audio tape just now surfacing? This interview was given to San Francisco folks many, many months ago. You should have known about this, so that you would have better decision-making information as you go into the voting booth."

John Diaz, The Chronicle's editorial page editors, blasted back:

"How can anyone suggest that we hid an interview that we did, immediately put up on the Web - and advertised to our readers?" he said. "We promoted it like hell ... and I'm sure the Clinton campaign and the McCain campaign scrubbed it. You can still find the whole 48 minutes and 33 seconds online."

However, a visit to the San Francisco newspaper's Web site shows two things.

-- First, the paper's information about the audio recording does not mention Obama's cap-and-trade proposal, the controversial part that's now getting attention.

Instead, the newspaper chose to highlight three other issues discussed by Obama, and to post the entire interview (again, without mentioning the cap-and-trade plan).

-- Second, the news story produced by the newspaper the day after the interview does not contain any mention of Obama's plan for coal-fired power plants."

Better late than never, Yael.

You do highlight the crux, though: if the other guy had made some wild claim of bankrupting an industry vital to the economic health of this nation, it would have been instantaneous, 24/7 nightly Obama news campaign fodder for weeks.

(or maybe that was just me)

Perhaps we should view ol' gaffe-tastic Joe as more of an oracle, than VP candidate.

"No Coal Plants Here in America"

Yup. Constrictive gub'mint regulations plus punitive gub'mint fines will drive any industry out of business. The realities of oppressive statism which is at the heart of an Obama administration.

Update: But 'Trust Obama on Coal' because this ad, aired during the primaries, never said a thing about bankrupting Coal.

Up next, the other side of his mouth speaks.