Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Perception is reality...

...although Blago hopes that will change.

Updated: Related - Obama Report Raises Questions: How Many Calls Did Emanuel Make to Blagojevich?

"Former federal prosecutor Pat Trueman, however, said Craig’s staff investigation doesn’t really answer anything -- including whether Obama himself had talked with Blagojevich.

The report has all the markings of a “cover yourself” investigation, he said.

“The internal report by the Obama staff is no more valuable from a prosecutor’s point of view than an internal report by the governor himself,” Trueman told CNSNews.com.

“You cannot rely on the statements because they are not sworn statements, they are not in a grand jury setting, where you would have sworn statements, and so they are not really very valuable.”

Trueman, a former Justice Department attorney whose criminal investigations have helped put major pornography kingpins behind bars, said the reporter’s question is key -- Was it one call or was it two?"

Or more? But it's probably all moot since an actual quid pro quo crime never took place. The prosecutor can only hope to build a 'conspiracy to commit' case.

And from there it will become a bookie bet on how deeply Obama's lap dog media will bury its head in his crotch.