Thursday, January 15, 2009

Boooshitler's Warrantless Wiretapping Deemed Legal

So says a recently declassified Aug. 2008 court ruling:

"The Aug. 22 appeals court decision upheld a secret ruling issued last year by the intelligence court that it oversees, known as the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance, or FISA, court. In that initial opinion, the secret court found that Congress had acted within its authority in August 2007 when it passed a hotly debated law known as the Protect America Act, which gave the executive branch broad power to eavesdrop on international communications."

That should make the loon toon moonbat's collective head explode.
"The court ruling grew out of a previously undisclosed challenge from a telecommunications provider, which questioned the constitutional authority of the executive branch in ordering it to capture and turn over international communications without court approval."

Although Sen. Obama voted against the original PAA, he voted for the revised version - which made the loon toon moonbat's collective head explode.

This law of the land - and vital tool for hunting down global terrorists - will now pass into the hands of the Obama administration.

But, JWF wryly states: Don't expect much reaction. What was "illegal" for Bush will be just peachy keen for The Messiah.