Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Hamas tortures & executes their own people

For 'collaboration' with the Israelis.

Gee. I wonder why the terrorist supporting media doesn't report on that?

"Several days ago, Hamas started to seek out and punish "collaborators" and political enemies in the Gaza Strip. Hamas arrested and maimed more than 100 opposing Fatah members and "collaborators." Six Palestinians accused of providing information on the location of Hamas leaders to Israeli intelligence were executed over the past two days.

Despite the Israeli offensive, Hamas was able to launch more than 40 rockets into southern Israel on Tuesday. The Israeli military said the presence of troops in northern Gaza has stopped Hamas from launching missiles at the Israeli cities of Ashdod and Beersheba."

Oh. And that U.N. school bombed by the IDF? Hamas used the school as a weapons depot and launch site for their rockets & mortars - proving, once again, that the islamists' not-so-good defense is hiding behind children.
"The high number of casualties in this particular incident suggests a similar patterns as in previous conflicts. Adoring Palestinians stood too close for too long after their terrorist heroes fired mortars at Israeli civilians. The Palestinians gathered around the launch site to watch munitions being fired against Israel simply didn’t anticipate the speed and accuracy of the Israeli response, and Israeli counter-battery fire detonating additional Hamas weaponry at the school only made the carnage worse."

More: Gateway Pundit: Dead Hamas Terrorists & Missiles Found At UN School In Gaza

All of this is of no matter to these Jew hating islamist murderers and apologists:
Top American Islamic Cleric Threatens U.S. on Egyptian TV.
"America, which gave [Israel] everything it needed in these battles, will suffer economic stagnation, ruin, destruction, and crime, which will surpass what is happening in Gaza. One of these days, the U.S. will suffer more deaths than all those killed in this third Gaza holocaust. This will happen soon."

He also invoked a notorious Islamic hadith on the inevitable annihilation of the Jews by Muslims:
"The stone, which is thrown at the Jews, hates these Jews, these Zionists, because Allah foretold, via His Prophet Muhammad, that Judgment Day will not come before the Jew and the Muslim fight. The Jew will hide behind stones and trees, and the stone and the tree will speak, saying: “Oh Muslim, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.” The only exception will be the Gharqad tree."

This harangue would be nothing new on television in the Islamic world; in fact, it is commonplace. What is unique about Sultan’s threats against America is that he holds U.S. permanent residency status and, according to one federal law enforcement official, travels regularly on a U.S. passport."
Living in America while inciting violence against America.

It's time to wake from your slumber, America.