Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inaugural Memories: "Hail to the Thief!"

"Under normal conditions, the typical Republican voter is politically inert. He turns out to vote in November, then goes back to working and paying taxes. Twenty years ago, conservative humorist P.J. O'Rourke went to cover one of the massive protest rallies that periodically fill the National Mall in Washington with indignant liberal activists. Returning from the rally, he was asked why Republicans never do anything similar. The answer was obvious: "Because we have jobs!"

That's the simplest explanation for why there will be few if any Republican protesters at Barack Obama's inauguration festivities. While TV news has spent the past week hyping the occasion as a moment of world-historical significance, for the typical Republican, it's just another Tuesday. He will celebrate the occasion by waking up, taking a quick shower, getting dressed, grabbing a cup of coffee and going to work. "

Update: BDS to the very end.