Friday, January 23, 2009

Unlike Rush Limbaugh, Uber-Liberals Always Root for the President

As the junior senator from Illinois in the U.S. Congress, Obama's voting record pegged him as an uber-left, hyper partisan politician who never once crossed the aisle. I expect no less of him as President.

I can only pray that the U.S. of A. will succeed in spite of Obama & a sycophant, predominantly leftist congress.

In that light, I can understand radio blow hard Limbaugh's comments:

"RUSH LIMBAUGH ON FNC'S HANNITY: I want him to fail. If his agenda is a far-left, collectivism – some people say socialism – as a conservative, heart-felt, deeply, why would I want socialism to succeed? [Video of the entire exchange]"

How odd for a hyper-partisan conservative loudmouth to say such a thing!

As such, the ever consistent uber-libs have deemed Mr. Limbaugh's dissent as unpatriotic. Plus, he's analogous to Bin Laden. Or something. Because we all know that lefties are bulwarks of patriotism; and have ~never~ called for the 'chimps impeachment'; or issued taunts of 'Boooshitler!', and lefties never wallowed in the perverse 'assassination chic crap'.

Yup. Lefties were especially supportive of GW's success in Iraq.

Implicit in the lefties' attitude is the notion that government is why the U.S. of A. succeeds, and only a very special person on the throne of government can insure that success. Dissent is not patriotic. Not now. Of course.

Please schedule Mr. Limbaugh for re-education in order that he may pledge fealty to The One.