Dr. Williams is an American economist and college professor at George Mason University. He's a syndicated columnist, published author, and occasional guest host for Rush Limbaugh and Lawrence Kudlow. He's also a cousin of former NBA player Julius Erving.
He leans libertarian/conservative in politics & economics, and has been known to write a few books. His latest book is entitled "Liberty versus the Tyranny of Socialism."
Right Wing News caught up with Dr. Williams last week to ask him a few questions about his new book:
~Can you give a basic explanation of why we had this housing crisis?
~Is it a good idea for the government to bail out failing companies?
Why or why not?
~Do stimulus packages work?
Why or why not?
~What do you say to people who claim that they have a RIGHT to health care or a RIGHT to a "living wage?"
Brilliant, insightful answers. Click here.