Thursday, September 10, 2009

I'm Glad Joe Wilson(R) Apologized for His Outburst When Obama Lied

Wilson's outburst was bad form, and there's no place for it in an august body, such as Congress (i'm trying to keep a straight face).

But the same can be said for lying. Pres. Obama is fond of promoting the lie that 45 million Americans are uninsured. Not true. Ten million of that 45 figure are either here illegally or not citizens, at all.

If there's no intention of providing gub'mint care, why not say 35 million?

Senator Obama had the intention to provide illegals with gub'mint care, back in 2006, when he co-sponsored Hillary Clinton's bill.

Perhaps he's had a change of liberal heart in three short years, but I doubt it.

Obama has no formal health care plan of his own, and the ones worming their way through the house and senate both specifically deny illegals coverage, but - like the democrat phobia against voter photo I.D. - there's no requirement for people who apply for gub'mint care to provide proof of citizenship.

So, like W.I.C., medicaid, gub'mint schools, and other entitlement programs, there's no deterent for illegals to access the system - almost by design:

"In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability."

"A Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey conducted Tuesday and Wednesday nights finds that 44% favor the plan while 53% are opposed. These numbers are little different than those in late August."


Update: For those that missed it, the sum and substance of Pres. Obama's speech.

Via dees malcontents.