Wednesday, February 23, 2011

More Progressive Hate-mongering

"Emboldened twitterers, unfazed by President Obama's call for healing and civility after last month's shooting in Tucson, called for Wisconsin's Governor to be killed. A person named ‘Josh' asked for a "crazy man with sniper experience" [sic] to "do wut you do."

A protester outside the Capitol building in Madison carried a sign that read "Walker Dead or Alive" with ‘alive' crossed out."
I'm no longer surprised by their hate-mongering and calls to violence, nor the MSM's refusal to report it.

Update: And let's not forget Progressive protesters calling for Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas to be lynched - or failing that - "put back in the field."

Or, Progressive Hate Site "AlterNet" Calling GOP Pres. Candidate Herman Cain a "monkey."

Plus, another video of liberal vitriol from Madison last week - with the obligatory "If Tea Partiers had behaved this way, the entire Progressive collective brain would have exploded in indignation."

Cue chirping crickets.

Updated update: Democrat Congressman Calling for Blood in the Streets
"US Representative Michael E. Capuano (D - MA), who decried violent political rhetoric after last month’s shooting of his Democratic colleague, Gabrielle Giffords, used some belligerent language of his own at a union rally in Boston yesterday.

"Every once in a while you need to get out on the streets and get a little bloody when necessary,” Capuano told about 1,000 union workers who were protesting Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker at a raucous rally outside the State House."
The Left's hate and hypocrisy just goes on, and on, and on....

post cross posted