Monday, March 26, 2012

Why it’s So Easy for Hackers to Steal Financial Information From Restaurants.

From Slate (slate!) dot com:

"Unlike hacktivists’ flashy attacks, these criminals’ exploits rarely make the news. Publicity is not in their interest, and it can takes months for their victims to find out they’ve been hit. When businesses do learn they’ve been compromised, they often conclude that publicizing the crimes wouldn’t be in their interest either. For these reasons, attacks on retail establishments fly under the radar, though they vastly outnumber those orchestrated by well-known groups like Anonymous and LulzSec, which accounted for just 3 percent of the 855 data-breach cases covered in the Verizon report.

Restaurants were easily the most-targeted businesses, accounting for over half of all reported attacks. Retail stores were second, at about 20 percent. The findings are consistent with those of a similar report released earlier this year by Trustwave, an information security company, which found that the food and beverage, retail, and hospitality industries combine to account for 80 percent of data breaches."