Monday, April 30, 2012

Black Coffee Monday

Congress deliberately froze $192,000,000.00 of your tax dollars, but Pres. Divisive says, "Eff You!" and gives that money to a state sponsor of terrorism anyways.

$535 million crony capitalist dollars later: Solyndra leaves toxic 'green' legacy for taxpayers to clean-up.

 The Age of Lawyers (laughing all the way to the bank): Plaintiffs win $3 million class-action lawsuit against 'Nutella' (seriously).

The King's Indian Defense. One of the first definitive Chess openings I learned at my Pappy's knee. Or something.

Hey. Remember when that nuclear bomb trigger fell out of an A.F. plane and blew open a crater on the Gregg's farm in S. Carolina?

Top five cliches that liberals use to avoid real arguments.

Alternative headline: The Party Will Never Be There Again.

Update: What I really want to know is when will this enviro-fascist pay back the taxpayers for all the economic damage his enforcement policies have caused? Top EPA official resigns after 'crucify' comment.