Saturday, April 28, 2012

RNC Accuses Obama of Campaigning on Taxpayer's Dime

CBS News White House Correspondent Mark Knoller reports that Obama has attended more than 115 fundraisers since he announced his re-election on April 4 of last year, 80 percent of them outside Washington. President George W. Bush attended only 90 during his entire first term.

From The Hill:
"In an official complaint filed with the GAO, a watchdog agency, RNC Chairman Reince Priebus accuses Obama of "passing off campaign travel as official events," using taxpayer money to fund his reelection efforts.
"Given the recent excesses, waste and abuse uncovered in the General Services Administration, the GAO should be particularly sensitive to misuse of taxpayer dollars," Preibus wrote in a letter to Comptroller General Gene L. Dodaro.
Priebus said "the most recent example" of abuse took place this week as Obama traveled to North Carolina, Colorado and Iowa, three battleground states to promote student loan legislation. The RNC chairman points out that Obama delivered speeches to "cheering crowds of college students" which resembled campaign events."
The White House responded to the accusation with "Nanna-nanna, boo-boo."

It costs $179,000 an hour to fly Air Force One.