Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Obama in History?

 That's the title of Ed Morrissey's post at Apparently, our Narcissist in Chief inserted himself - and his wife - into many of the official presidential histories on the White House website. This example is from our 34th President's official White House bio:
"President Dwight Eisenhower established the President's Council on Youth Fitness on July 16, 1956.... Today the Council is still going strong - ...working in conjunction with the First Lady Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move initiative to help promote healthier lifestyles."
Morrissey lists about a dozen more of these fatuous manipulations from our Narcissist in Chief, but he saved the best for last. Scroll to the bottom for Ed's update.

Update: Rutherford B. Hayes wouldn't insert himself into Obama's bio (Be sure and check out the more Hayes fun link).