Sunday, October 28, 2012

My 2012 Missouri Ballot Recommendations, Part One

**Missouri SECRETARY OF STATE: Shane Schoeller(R).

Why? The Secretary of State Project. What's that, you ask?

From Ballotpedia:
"The SOS Project stems largely from the Democracy Alliance, an unapologetically self-described 'liberal organization' founded in 2005 "whose long-term objective is to raise $200 million to develop a funding clearinghouse for progressive groups."

The SOS Project believes it can accomplish those goals via symapthetic individuals in the Sect'y of State office (not that there's partisanship, bias or agenda involved being a Sect'y of State. No, sir).
Since 2006, the SOS Project has helped elect 9 democrats to that office, including the outgoing Robin Carnahan(D) of Missouri.

The Sect'y of any State is responsible for (among other things) voter roll integrity, clean elections, certifying those elections, and constructing ballot language. In this job, ideology, clear vision, and a sharp pencil matter, and the outgoing Missouri SOS Robin Carnahan(D) is no stranger to controversy, and indeed, has appeared to court partisan division.

Conclusion: since there's ample evidence over the years that one cannot spell 'voter fraud' without 'democrat,' and considering the big liberal money behind the SOS Project, I simply don't trust democrats in this position.

My vote will go to Shane Schoeller(R).

**Missouri STATE TREASURER: Clint Zweifel(D)

Why? The Joplin Globe Newspaper has a good opinion on this subject which accurately reflects my view.

My vote will go to Clint Zweifel(D).

**Missouri ATTORNEY GENERAL: Incumbent Chris Koster(D).
Why? He's a career prosecutor; He's streamlined the AG office, boosted pay, yet still reduced his budget; Championed '2nd injury fund' for workplace injuries; Submitted legal brief opposing ObamaCare's individual mandate; Endorsed by NRA and St. Louis moneyman Rex Sinquefield.

True, the AG's office is often a springboard to higher office (ie: the current governor), and Koster is positioning himself as a democrat powerbroker spreading around his extra campaign cash, but I believe AG Chris Koster has served the people of Missouri honorably and effectively, and will continue to do so.

My vote will go to Chris Koster(D).

**Missouri GOVERNOR: Incumbent Jay Nixon(D).

Why? As much as would love to have a conservative republican in that office, I think Jay Nixon(D) is a 21st century 'blue dog' democrat who's presided over a balanced budget, triple A credit rating, and did yeoman's work dealing with a devastating and deadly barrage of natural disasters across Missouri (floods, tornadoes, ice storms, etc).

Although I strongly disagree with his over-use of tax credits to stimulate the state's economy, Nixon's done a fair job of improving Missouri's business opportunities; most notably, a $4 billion trade deal with China. The CATO Institute gives Nixon a 'C' in fiscal responsibility, but considering all governors are under the jackboot of Obama-nomics, you use the tools at your disposal.

Jay Nixon(D) has my vote.

**Missouri LT. GOVERNOR: Who cares?

Seriously. Five states don't even have the position. Just like the V.P. spot, Lt. Gov. is little more than a bench warmer job spent cutting ribbons, attending funerals and promoting pet projects.

Oh, yes - and casting tie breaking votes in the senate.

I'm not all that impressed with the incumbent, Peter Kinder(R), so I'll probably vote for Cynthia Davis of the Constitution Party.