"The Danish Foreign Ministry has turned down an offer to use Nordmann fir trees as Christmas decorations inside the Bella Center here, and the English-language Copenhagen Post says it’s because Danish government officials don’t want to offend non-Christian participants in the U.N. climate change conference."
What a farce. The U.N. ostensibly claims to represent all of the world's people, including an estimated one billion Christians. Yet, during one of the most celebrated holiday's in Christendom, in a historically Christian nation, that is a major exporter of live Christmas trees to Europe & America, in a city that's abuzz with yuletide decorations, holiday festivities, and lit up like - well, like a Christmas tree - some Danish Foreign Ministry secular-crat gives offense so as not to offend.
Hmm. I wonder who these "non-Christian participants" would be at the U.N.?
But all is not lost! Thank the Lord the traditional Christmas tree in Copenhagen’s City Hall Square is off grid & peddle powered.
Krykee. It's not easy being wack-a-doodle green.