Monday, February 18, 2013

"Aye, There's a Piece of Shitte on the End of Yer Driver. "

"During his golfing vacation at the Floridian, President Obama had been slicing off the tee on every hole.

He asks his Scottish caddy "Cana Fool" if he has noticed any obvious reasons for his poor tee shots, to which the caddy replies: "Aye, there's a piece of shitte on the end of yer driver. "

The President picks up his driver and cleans the club face, at which point the caddy says: "No, me Ladd, the other end.”
(stolen wholesale from comments)

Back in 2011, Obama demanded, 'We are going to have to ask everybody to sacrifice.'

Yet, that was then, and this is after a $7 million Hawaii vacation and an election: Why President Obama keeps the press away – playing golf with Tiger Woods doesn’t look good with 12 million Americans out of work and a $16 trillion debt.
"This is the latest demonstration of an overwhelming culture of impunity in a celebrity-obsessed Obama White House, frequently coupled with a disturbing lack of transparency that would be roundly condemned by the likes of The New York Times, NBC, or CBS if a Republican were in office."

Related: Separate Vacations for Barack and Michelle Obama.