Monday, February 11, 2013

More Sexual Predator Public School Teachers

Greeley, Colo. Teacher Who had Teenage Student's Baby gets Jail Time.
She's was 42. He's was 17. Prosecutors said she will be sentenced in March to 90 days in jail and probation.
Methinks if it was a middle-aged man boinking a girl student, the sentence would be many years in jail.

Former Kansas Teacher Charged with Statutory Rape & Sodomy of 2 High School Students, aged 14 & 18
She quickly posted the $30,000 bond, and was released on her own recognisance. A court date of February 28th was set in the case.
Seriously. A 14 y.o.??

First pete, now repeat: 34 y.o. Teacher Who Plead Guilty to Sex with Former 16 y.o. Student is Pregnant with his Child.
(Judge Laura) Halgren said the relationship between defendant and victim "was not an ideal parenting situation," but said Watson was not a danger to re-offend. The judge said Watson "violated the public's trust" when she had sex with a former student.
Capt. Obvious to the nearest turpitude station. Capt. Obvious to the turpitude station.

The defendant got three years felony probation, and did not have to register as a sex offender - because that would happen to any male teacher banging a girl student.

Texas Teacher Pleads Guilty to Indecency/Sexual Assault with 15 y.o Student
Local district attorney Randall Sims tells the newspaper that Moore was ordered to serve 180 days in jail, give up her teacher's license and register as a sex offender. She will also receive 10 years of deferred probation.
Don't mess with Texas.

Answer me this: What is it with these morally bankrupt horndogs with liberal arts degrees and teaching certificates, getting their jollies with students on the tax payers' dime??

Related: Is the Public School System a Repository for Reprobates?