Monday, March 11, 2013

“I am not sure who is saying this stuff, but it is not I!”

If Hillary had a protege`, she'd look like Ashley Judd(D). While admitting she's a 'fan' of their journalism, she's upset that the Huffingtonpost published a report about her as a candidate in Kentucky's upcoming U.S. Senate race.

However, those eebil right wingnuts at FOX News claim 'Ashley Judd moving forward with run for Mitch McConnell's Senate seat in Kentucky.'

And Bloggers, too! Our ol' buddy Joe Gandelman, at the always slants left 'The Moderate Voice,' hails, 'Get Ready for Ashley Judd Mitch McConnell Faceoff In Kentucky.' (cage match or mud rassling, I'd pay for it)

But, wait. There's more. Over at The Week, Peter Weber is sportin' some early 2014 wood for Ashley with free advice: How Ashley Judd could beat Mitch McConnell in 2014.

Ashley's qualifications? Uh, she's an 'activist' actress famous for being famous, and showing her boobies in a few movies.

Yup. She'll fit right into D.C.