Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The Unbearable Whiteness of Obama's Cabinet

Out of the 15 Cabinet-level positions in Obama's administration, there's only one Black man, which is the fewest by any president during the last 38 years.


George Bush had 3 times as many Black appointees to cabinet-level positions than Barack Obama. Bill Clinton tops the list with a total of 7 Black appointees to cabinet-level positions.

Last year, President Obama won re-election with 93% of the Black vote, yet our 'post-racial, diversity' President apparently is neither inside his inner circle of power. True, Pres. Obama just began his 2nd term, but his three new cabinet appointees are all white bread and mayonnaise.

And the chairwoman of the Congressional Black Caucus(CBC) ain't happy about it.

From The Hill:
"Rep. Marcia Fudge (D-Ohio) said in the letter that the CBC had recommended “a number of qualified candidates” that the administration has passed over for various positions.

“Congressional Black Caucus offices have had numerous phone calls from constituents questioning why none of the new appointees will be able to speak to the unique needs of African Americans,” Fudge continued. “Their ire is compounded by the overwhelming support you’ve received from the African American community. As you continue choosing your critical advisors, we want to stress the importance of ensuring every community has a seat at the table. The absence of diverse voices leads to policies and programs that adversely impact African Americans.”
Perhaps the President is under the illusion that he only governs 'a nation of cowards' when it comes to race.

In January, the predictably left leaning Salon dot com asked, "Does Obama have a diversity problem?" And Salon is not a lone voice in the media wilderness; the 'left turn only' LA Times declares, 'Obama Cabinet may not meet his own diversity standards.'

Even the finagling Rep. Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.) hits Obama on diversity by calling all that white bread and mayonnaise 'embarrassing as hell.'

So, does this mean Jamie 'i kill all the white people in the movie' Foxx won't preach 'give an honor to God and our Lord and Savior Barack Obama' anymore?

I'm so confused.