Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Venezuelan 'El Presidente for Life' Hugo Chávez is Dead

He died of cancer at age 58. May the Lord have mercy on his miserable soul.

Sean Penn hardest hit. Harry Belafonte is crying all thee day-o, too. And Obama has lost a mentor.

From an inconsolable AP, that blubbers out 2,237 words, parsed into 61 paragraphs:
"I'm still a subversive," the president told The Associated Press in a 2007 interview, recalling his days as a rebel soldier. "I think the entire world has to be subverted."

Chavez was a master communicator and savvy political strategist, and managed to turn his struggle against cancer into a rallying cry, until the illness finally defeated him.

He died Tuesday in Caracas at 4:25 local time after his prolonged illness.

From the start, Chavez billed himself as the heir of Simon Bolivar, who led much of South America to independence. He often spoke beneath a portrait of Bolivar and presented replicas of the liberator's sword to allies. He built a soaring mausoleum in Caracas to house the remains of "El Libertador."
Most of the sane world simply called Chavez 'el brutal dictatorial a-hole.'

In response, the govt. in Caracas 'expelled two U.S. Embassy officials for allegedly plotting against the government and blamed "historic enemies" for inducing the leader's his cancer.'
