Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Westboro Baptist now Sees a 'Rainbow House' across the Street

From Gawker (with photo goodness):
So while considering the Westboro Baptist Church, he began dinking around on Google Maps late one night. He pulled up the church, at 3701 SW 12th St. in Topeka, and took a virtual walk around the block. In the front yard of a house across the street, he noticed a For Sale sign.

“It hit me right away,” Jackson told me last night by phone. “Huh. That would be interesting to own a house across from the Westboro Baptist Church and turn it into something.’ And then, within five seconds: ‘And I’ll paint it the color of the pride flag.’ Perfect.”
I think the term 'pride flag' is rather dubious, but even I can appreciate the 'thumb in the eye' toward these raucous Westboro wack-a-doodles, whom we've dealt with many times before.