Monday, January 14, 2019

A Few Headlines

Government shutdown cancels Carson prayer breakfast speech in Missouri

"A spokesman for the U.S. Department Housing and Urban Development said Wednesday that the agency couldn’t pay for the secretary’s travel to Missouri because of the shutdown."

Mr. Carson is a rich man. He can be reimbursed. Or is a prayer breakfast just politics?

Kansas Rep. Sharice Davids(D) shriek tweets, "Lives are literally at stake b/c the federal government is shutdown."

Then she makes a great case that the federal govt. is too big. Do you think we'll hear an equally big outcry from Rep. Davids when workers in the private sector are laid off or downsized? Asking for a friend.

Veterans Who Work For The Federal Government Are Among Those Hit Hard By Shutdown

We owe a lot to our veterans, especially our thanks and a helping hand, but these furloughed veterans will receive their back pay once the partial govt. shutdown ends. Why focus on this temporary inconvenience when unemployed veterans in the private sector who live on public assistance face greater long term hardships?

Shutdown drags on and St. Louis area workers delay retirement, visit food pantries and turn to relatives
Delay retirement and food pantries because of ONE postponed paycheck? You're doing it wrong. I don't wish a furlough, layoff, or down size on anyone, but I never read this steady stream of woeful tales of deprivation when private sector workers are laid off or down sized with no hope of back pay. Enough already.

Obama’s Border Patrol Chief Agrees With Trump, Says Build the Wall

He agrees with me, too.

She Accused Him Of Rape. Text Messages Proved It Was A Lie.

Teach women not to lie about rape.

Vitamin D is necessary for good health, yet vitamin D supplementation has failed spectacularly in clinical trials.

Have we been duped? There's a great free source found all over the world.

Americans OK With Leaving Syria and Afghanistan

A new poll finds widespread war-weariness. We've been in Afghanistan for 17 years. Why? Empires go there to die, so let us leave and live.