Thursday, January 17, 2019

A Few Headlines

President Trump and the Democrats remain irreconcilable on border security.

"It’s hard to escape the conclusion that critics oppose a wall not because it wouldn’t work but because it would. Once you have conceded that border security is essential, as Schumer and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi supposedly do, how can you oppose a wall, when it’s clear that without one, the border will remain unsecured?"

For 2 years the Republicans controlled all three branches of government, yet there was no border wall funding, but Trump did sign the most massive, pork-laden spending bill in U.S. history. Funny dat.
The only reason why the partial govt. shutdown is in its 3rd week is because Capt. Chaos likes a good slap fight. San Fran Nan likes it, too.

And other than the 800K non-essential federal employees and contractors who are furloughed, the nation is unaffected and doesn't care. It's why Trump will win this slap fight. It's a good bet those 800K non-essential federal workers and contractors are Democrat voters. They'll dislike Trump whether he caves or stands firm. It's San Fran Nan and her team who'll get voter grief to give Trump border wall funding. Politicians hate voter grief. She'll cave.

Feds Spending $18,000 for LGBT Pride Film Festival in Mumbai

"This project will support greater inclusion of LGBT Indians in society by bringing together diverse audiences for a three-day film festival of American feature and documentary films on LGBT themes."

Because that's in the U.S. Constitution under the 'Fluid Swap Section.' It's Mumbia, not Bombay; Denali, not McKinley. Instanbul, not Constantinopal. Leave India alone. #ResistCulturalImperialism

When Did It Become the FBI’s Job to Act as a Check and Balance to the President?

"It’s also worth remembering that the FBI is our domestic intelligence service, and as such has to be mindful of its limits. It is bound by the Constitution and a raft of civil-liberties protections, spelled out in various guidelines and statutes. It is not supposed to investigate people on the basis of things they say publicly — and the bill of particulars against Trump in the Times story includes a bunch of public statements — even if these things are outrageous or wrong."

Strok, Page, Ohr, McCabe, Comey, Mueller, Lynch, et al. The massive egos, entitlement and hubris it took to self-appoint and wield extra-constititional powers against a duly elected President should frighten the most jaded among us. What did Obama know and when did he know it?

But there is no deep state, and hand over your 2nd Amendment while you're listening to all their lies.