Tuesday, January 08, 2019

Florida Man Attacks Senior Who Happens to be KickBox Champion

With predictable results. Florida man sure is dumb. And a coward.

The victim is 68 y.o. Steve Sheperd. He's retired now, and  a legend in the world of kickboxing. Sheperd is a 5 time, 4 weight division world kickboxing champion who ended his career with a record of 49 wins, 4 losses and 2 no contest.

"Police say the unidentified mugger appears to be in “his early 20s with long, dark hair." Did I mention he's a coward?

As Sheperd left a restaurant last Thursday afternoon, the mugger ran up behind and smashed a bottle on the back of Sheperd's head, then demanded his smart phone.

Knocked senseless, at first, years of training and winning in the kick boxing ring eventually resulted in an instinctive response from Sheperd.

"I’m sure I broke his ribs. I could hear it almost,” Shepherd told WPTV. “I hit him with what’s called a right cross as he was still coming at me.”

Onlookers rushed to help Sheperd as the wounded Florida man ran off, presumably to seek medical treatment. He remains at large.

"Shepherd — who said the fight left him “really hurt” — is training for a fight in March, according to CBS12."