Wednesday, January 02, 2019

Friends don't let friends get tracked PSA

 I've said for a while that g00gle is evil, despite its deluded company slogan. G00gle's recent public confession that it does indeed conspire with brutal, murderous regimes to censor search results which are critical of those brutal, murderous regimes because its profitable for g00gle to do so, simply magnifies its evil.

Inside North America, similar censorship - known as 'sand boxing' - has been used to target politically conservative websites in order to push them down in search results, yet elevate Leftist voices.

G00gle is evil. Don't use their products or services. An excellent, alternate search engine is one answer. I've become a loyal user of the search engine ''. It doesn't tag you with cookies, log your searches, track your movements, sell your data, or manipulate search results based upon ideology or viewpoint.

In other words, it's not evil like g00gle.