Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Gonzo Journalist and Illegal Immigrants Knock on Nancy Pelosi's Front Door;  Police Called to Deport Them

 No refuge for you!

Did I say deport? They weren't even arrested. The police issued tickets for trespassing, and asked them to leave, which they did.

The gonzo journalist is Laura Loomer whom I've come to admire, if for no other reason than her permanent ban  from tweeter for honestly reporting hard news - not slobbering butt kisses for the GOPe.

The half-dozen illegal immigrants are from Guatemala and Mexico. Nancy Pelosi and her husband, Paul, live on a $10 million estate in the Napa Valley of California. The estate is partially surrounded by a robust, waist-high stone wall designed to impede automobiles, more than determined hikers. It has a large steel security gate at the driveway entrance. And security staff.

From Amanda Prestigiacomo at Daily Wire: "The controversial journalist even went to check if the Pelosis had locked their front door, since, according to a sarcastic Loomer, "only bigots lock their doors."

"Come on, you can't say everyone is welcome here and then lock your door," said Loomer, upon finding the doors locked. "You're killing us, Nancy! You're killing us!"

Indeed. Earlier this month, Pelosi stated publicly that a wall on the U.S. southern border is an 'immorality.'

(In 2006, Pelosi voted 'No' on the Secure Fence Act. Schumer, Biden, Obama, Hillary all voted 'Yes.' GW Bush signed it into law).

Are stunts like this helpful? I think so, if for nothing else than a bag of popcorn or you reading this blog post. Will it change any minds or votes? Doubtful. Bias confirmation runs deep. Those who know about Pelosi's hyper-partisan hypocrisy in her greedy game of power politics will simply see this incident as more confirmation of their conclusions.

Others who know about Pelosi's hyper-partisan hypocrisy in her greedy game of power politics won't care as long as the Leftist agenda advances down the field - by any means necessary.

It's why I simply don't care about any rude crude stupidity from the right side of the aisle - forty years ago or yesterday; whether its scotus Justice Brett Kavanaugh or U.S Senator Steve King(R). As long as you're onboard with smaller, more limited government, I don't care about rude crude stupidity from the right side of the aisle.

Now, who wants to gate crash the Pelosi's and BBQ around their giant 'Z' shaped swimming pool?!

Update: “Walls Across America” – A Series Exploring the Walls Around Democrat Homes