Monday, January 21, 2019

Roe v Wade is 46 years old

And my response remains the same: "Life in prison for all abortionists on demand and without apology."

I originally posted this cartoon in 2008 with the caption "I wonder where their MLK is?"

From the Washington Examiner, Jan. 22, 2018: Roe v. Wade at 45 - States chip away at abortion laws

"It’s really the panoply of restrictions pulled together that makes access to abortion so difficult, and it’s different for every state,” said Elizabeth Nash, senior state issues manager for the Guttmacher Institute. “But looking back over 45 years, it’s been state policy that’s been the detriment for access in the states."

Guttmacher Institute is the research arm of Planned Parenthood. 'Detriment,' they call 'em. Detriment to murdering babies is what they really mean. I call these laws an intervention.

The tragic fact is abortion has murdered 50 million unborn lives during the previous 46 years. One of the worst convicted serial killers in U.S. history is late-term abortionists Dr. Kermit Gosnell. He ran a house of horrors masquerading as a filthy, unregulated abortion clinic in Philadelphia for decades.

From the Washington Post: "The Pennsylvania Department of Health has records as far back as the 1980s documenting Gosnell’s dangerous practices," the grand jury found. "For decades, Gosnell did not staff his facility with licensed or qualified employees. He never properly monitored women under sedation. He botched surgeries and then failed to summon emergency help when it was needed."

A woman in his clinic died during an abortion as a result. You know, 'safe, rare, legal.' Gosnell also performed outlawed, late-term abortions, kept specimens in jars from aborted babies, and murdered aborted babies born alive.

He was convicted in 2014 on 3 counts of first degree murder, one count of involuntary manslaughter, and 21 felony counts of illegal late-term abortion. He is currently serving life in prison with no chance of parole.

And that's the solution to this horrible scourge of abortion staining our land: Life in prison for all abortionists on demand and without apology.

A hollywood crime drama about Gosnell and his house of horrors starring Dean Cain and Janine Turner was in theaters last year.