Saturday, January 05, 2019

Stop With the Free Publicity

 Charge rent for those inside your head.

A recently elected to Congress,  junior representative from Queens, NY is the latest media darling. You find her most anywhere - news shows, talk shows, newspapers, blog posts, internet memes. You know who.

She's young, attractive, energetic - and a democrat who champions all the usual marxist nonsense embraced by today's MSM: medicare for all, free college, open borders, climate change, blah, blah.

Her latest bright idea is exorbitant tax rates on the rich. How original. Seventy percent to be exact. The usual suspect is rounded up as rationale: “People are going to have to start paying their fair share in taxes” - as if her and her ilk get to self-appoint and make that determination. Apparently, she never got the Clinton era memo of extrapolating tax rates out a maximum of 100%. Conclusion: the government will only be able to tax anyone at 100% just once. Why bother working after that if the government steals it all?

Then there's the point of diminishing returns. That is roughly 45%. Why bother working more than necessary after that if the government steals it all? Seventy percent is unworkable.

She knows it, but that's not the point. The point is contained in why I haven't spelled out her name. If money is the mothers milk of politics, name recognition is the golden ticket.

The word is out. Bernie won’t live forever. Worse, he’s old and white.

Barack’s 15 minutes have played out. A new icon must be groomed for a new generation; more woke; more progressive; more attractive, and look – she cooks and dances!

In other words, same marxist horsecrap; different pretty face – because every generation falls into the same trap: they think history began when they were born.

This junior congresswoman from Queens has name recognition in spades. Media saturation complete. Da crazy eyes! Even her acronym is a media sensation, as is the ignorant blather burped out of her mouth.

And she embodies bias confirmation for every indoctrination lesson an entire generation under 30 learned in government school. Icon status unlocked.

I’ve said it all over the innerwebs – stop giving this woman free publicity.

The gaffes, da crazy eyes, the stupid, the memes…. it’s all a schtick. A character. A ploy.

And it’s working. Alxxxxxxia Oxxxio-Cxxxxz. Every one is talking about her and her marxist talking points. Stop with the free publicity. Even Marx advocated paying workers a worthy wage.