Wednesday, January 09, 2019

We don’t lock our doors at night because we hate the people outside. We lock them because we love the people inside

Trump Border Wall Speech Carried Live on NBC, ABC, CBS, PBS, CNN, Fox News & MSNBC

 He said, "I am adamantly against illegal immigrants," and "(we need to be) erecting a border fence similar to one that protects Israel," plus, "A country that cannot control its borders is failing at one of its fundamental obligations."

The collective heads of re-minted House Speaker Nancy Pelosi(D) and Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer(D) exploded in fury as....

 Oh. Wait. Those comments were made by then-senator Hillary Clinton in 2003. 

 President Trump on Border Situation: ‘A Crisis of the Heart and a Crisis of the Soul’ 

"WASHINGTON—In a 10-minute address, President Donald Trump spoke to the nation on Jan. 8 about the mounting crisis at the southwest border."

 Build the wall. The title of this blog post is a fine summation of Trump's speech last night. Meanwhile, Chuck n Nancy continue to keep the federal government shut down in a pissing contest with Trump over what essentially is a rounding error in the $4 Trillion federal budget.

But despite the hair on fire stories of woe about some federal workers, according to the GSA, no federal worker has gone without a paycheck. Yet.

That day will be on January 11th, the next payday for federal workers.

Your move, Chuck n Nancy.