Thursday, February 14, 2019

Brutal Global Warming Alert

Polar vortex may have killed a significant amount of harmful, invasive insect species

From Amanda Schmidt at AccuWeather: "Despite the many negative impacts typically associated with the recent polar vortex, the record-breaking cold may have killed some harmful, invasive species, according to a press release by the National Pest Management Association (NPMA).

“While most insects will be equipped to survive a short period of very cold weather, like the recent polar vortex, it’s likely some will die from this extreme weather event,” said Dr. Brittany Campbell, entomologist with the NPMA."

One can only hope. Bugs are an integral part of any eco-system, but jeez louise, I grow so tired of hosting a bed & breakfast for these six-legged invaders - particularly the blood suckers. Perhaps this is why I respect and encourage eight-legged predators.

“In addition to the effect of extremely cold weather on pests themselves, damage to plants and other animals can also disrupt food supplies for insects in the spring and summer, driving them indoors,” Campbell said."

The bad news? Not even a nuclear winter will destroy cockroaches.