Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Charges Dropped Against Jussie Smollett in Chicago

He will surrender his $10,000 bond.

From Mary Chastain at Legal Insurrection: "Here’s an interesting tidbit. Holmes also said that “state’s attorney’s office dropped the charges on their own.” So, if I connect the dots, the office decided to do this without talking to the Chicago Police Department and Smollett’s attorneys?"

Yes. And Chicago PD are furious. Plus, the case was sealed by the presiding judge. Move along. Nothing to see.

Ten thousand bucks ain’t much of a shakedown. That’s a grifters payday, not serious cash for the organized crime syndicate that is Chicago at large.

Nope. IMHO, that forfeiture is just a ruse. The real reason this was done? Shift the narrative off Trump gloating, and us cheering about the Mueller dud in order to give the lying crap weasel media 2 weeks of 'Smollett is a victim of orange man bad and his racist minions.'

Stay tuned to see Smollett's face on every sympathetic venue his agent can book.

Yet, as far as I'm concerned this is still a fake 'hate' crime until proved otherwise. No, it's not because this guy is an actor, or a black man, or a self-confessed homosexual. It's not the surreal circumstances which infest this bizarre event, or even the fact that a former aid to former First Lady whats-her-name tried to entervene in this case and have the FBI take over from the Chicago PD.

Nope. It's the simple fact that there is an extremely long list of proven fake 'hate' crimes. #ProveItsNotFake 

Period. That's it.