Monday, March 25, 2019

Mueller Report Fizzles. Prepare For The Reckoning.

From Mark Davis at Townhall: "Here’s what we do know: if the Mueller spectacle is as anti-climactic as it first appears, there must be accountability for the politicians and media voices who beat this drum with malicious certainty for two years. Lives have been ruined. Millions of dollars have been wasted. All because a culture stretching from the halls of government to the studios of TV networks sought to erase a 2016 election result they could not tolerate."

In a perfect world, maybe. But this is The Swamp - land of impotent congressional hearings, interminable committee resolutions, and 'accountability' a word that no one in government can spell. But that won't be a deterrent, not when the Democrat vendetta machine is invested and infested with 2 years of Trump Derangement Syndrome. They're not letting go of that Precious as long as 2020 is on the horizon and closing fast upon their levers of greed & power.

Congressional Democrats have made it clear they're just getting started at tearing more flesh off this 'collusion' carcass. To quote Winston Churchill, "Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning."

Schiff: There is still ‘significant evidence of collusion’
Rep. Adam "Shifty" Schiff (D-CA) is a sad little man.

Nixon Almost Survived Watergate. Does Mueller Have a Smoking Gun on Trump?
Watergate. The fever dream that won't die. Team Mueller has leaked like sieve from day one, yet 'smoking gun' is still your fantasy?

Nadler: Executive privilege can't be used to 'hide wrongdoing' in Mueller report
You mean like the dozen times former potus whats-his-name used executive privilege to keep things from Congress?

Speaker Pelosi and Leader Schumer issue a joint statement saying AG’s letter “raises as many questions as it answers.”
I'm surprised they didn't burp up 'watergate.'

Here’s What the 2020 Dems Are Saying About The Mueller Report
Different day; same crap.

As Mueller Report Lands, Prosecutorial Focus Moves to New York
Former potus whats-his-name had a the perpetual campaign. Deranged Leftists have unrelenting lawfare.

It's Mueller time but don't forget: Trump has undermined the very idea of America
Robert Reich flings poo. Go stuff your 'this isn't who we are as a nation' horsecrap back whence it oozed. Good grief.