Monday, May 06, 2019

Democrat State Rep. Videos Himself as He  Viciously Bullies 'Old White Lady' Praying in Front of Abortion Clinic

The rise of the anti-Christian fascists continues. Tell me again why Orange Man Bad?

Plus, the 8 minute childish video tirade by Pennsylvania state Representative Brian Sims (D-Philadelphia) could be used as evidence to charge him with criminal harassment. That's him pictured at left welcoming VP Pence to Philly last year.

From Jessica Chasmar at the Washington Times: "In the video that Mr. Sims broadcast on Periscope, the openly gay Democrat approaches a woman outside the Center City clinic and repeatedly asks her how many children she clothed and fed that day."

Obviously lost on this clueless clown is the fact a child has to not be murdered in the womb in order to require clothing and food.

The article continues: "“Shame on you!” the lawmaker says repeatedly as the woman paces back and forth trying to avoid his camera.

Mr. Sims then asks viewers to donate to Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania."

But of course. Money grub at every opportunity.

At one point in the video, Sims deliberately addresses his hoped-for online audience to 'doxx' the old woman he was bullying by demanding, "“If you know who this woman is, if you can give me her address, we’ll protest out in front of her home,” the lawmaker tells viewers. “This is what they deserve.”"

Oh. I see. You, as an elected member of the state legislature paid for with tax dollars, get to make that determination. Arrogant POS.

What about those criminal charges? Megan Fox at PJ Media reports: "According to the Pennsylvania code, criminal harassment is defined thus:

A person commits the crime of harassment when, with intent to harass, annoy or alarm another, the person: (1) strikes, shoves, kicks or otherwise subjects the other person to physical contact, or attempts or threatens to do the same; (2)follows the other person in or about a public place or places;

It seems obvious that Sims' intention was to chase this woman away from a public sidewalk where she was legally allowed to stand and pray."

Sims has a nasty history of hate, intolerance, and confrontation with those who refuse to assimilate onto the Leftist group think plantation.

Three weeks ago on facebooo, Sims offered "$100 to “anyone who can identify” the people whom he calls “pseudo-Christian protesters.”"

In January of this year, something called Pink News reported that Sims was banned from facebooo for a short while due to a kerfuffle after someone called him a 'faggot.' Facebooo later confessed it was a mistake.

And finally, two years ago, Pennsylvania state Rep. Daryl Metcalfe (R., Butler) claimed an "unhinged" and "crimson-faced" Brian Sims threw papers at him, and "When I later passed by him on the House floor, he (Brian Sims) called me an ignorant, racist bigot."

This intolerant, hateful spew by Sims was after a heated debate about legislation involving sanctuary cities.

Why the h3ll hasn't this clueless clown been removed from office? Who the h3ll keeps voting for him? Shame on you!

Tell me again why Orange Man Bad?