Wednesday, July 10, 2019

10 best Google Adsense Alternatives for 2019

I'll switch lanes away from politics into something everyone enjoys - money. And if you're a blogger that means ad revenue. I've long-said 'G00gle is Evil', so their kafka-esque Adsense is not an option for moi {i know - blogger :-}. I'm still researching. I did find this very good article by full time Affiliate Marketing Expert and Blogger, Servando Silva.

He writes,
"“Your Google Adsense account has been disabled or temporarily banned”.

What a nice phrase on an email to start the day huh? Well, consider you’re not alone. Every day, hundreds or thousands of accounts are being banned from Google’s Adsense program. Why? I can’t tell you specifically. Either there’s something wrong with the web you’re putting your ads on, or you just simply missed one rule from Google’s TOS.

Instead of crying or bashing Google in multiple forums (actually this is a very bad idea), remember the world is not over yet, and there are plenty of alternatives out there to try. Google was just your first one, and you failed.

So, stand up, be proactive and act professional! There’s no time to lose."
Right now, I have no ad revenue affiliate, and I want to do this right. Of the ten options listed, I'm leaning toward number 5, Infolinks. Why?
"Their platform is very simple to integrate into your site, and is open to any publisher, big or small, with no setup fees, no minimum requirements for page views or visitors and no hidden commitments."
That's me: Mr. low traffic simplicity. You're welcome.