Monday, July 22, 2019

A Few Headlines

Justice Dept. Watchdog Has Evidence Comey Probed Trump on the Sly
Isn't this what the FISA court warrants were all about? 
"In addition to adding notes of his meetings and phone calls with Trump to the official FBI case file, Comey had an agent inside the White House who reported back to FBI headquarters about Trump and his aides, according to other officials familiar with the matter."
Comey wrote his egomaniacal memoir with enough evidence to convict himself of perjury, imho.

The Democrats’ 2020 Campaign Theme Is “You Americans Are Terrible”
"What are your crimes? Heck, what aren’t your crimes?"
Yes, bravo! Lenin's chief of secret police, Lavrentiy Beria, as a Democrat campaign strategist.

“The Girls Were Just So Young”: The Horrors of Jeffrey Epstein’s Private Island
"Locals say Epstein was flying in underage girls long after his conviction for sex crimes—and authorities did nothing to stop him. “It was like he was flaunting it,” says an employee at the airstrip on St. Thomas. “But it was said that he always tipped really well, so everyone overlooked it.”
While the Leftists attempt to make this pedophile monster a Trump problem, the flight logs expose all of Bill Clinton's frequent flyer miles on Epstein's 'lolita express.'

President Trump Awards International Religious Freedom Award to Muslim Imam
"I encourage you to click on the link above and read about all the deserving honorees, but I want to focus on Imam Abubakar Abdullahi of Nigeria who put his own life in danger to protect Christians fleeing from persecution."
Amen. God bless you, Sir. And yet another example to confirm Trump as the worst racist EVUH.

Rep. Ilhan Omar(D) Refuses to Comment on Terrorist Recruitment in Her District
But, of course. Omar has refused to condemn AntiFa domestic terrorism, too.

Socialist dictats for thee, but not for me: Bernie Sanders campaign responds to staffers’ demand for $15 minimum wage by... cutting back hours
"He also expressed frustration that staffers had taken their complaints to the media.

"It does bother me that people are going outside of the process and going to the media," he said. "That is really not acceptable. It is really not what labor negotiations are about, and it's improper."
Sanders said with a straight face.

Sunday shows - Fallout over Trump tweets
A compilation of Democrats who 'can't even' because Trump shoved the Overton Window down their collective throats.

Chinese firms ask for tariff exemptions to buy US agricultural products, state media says.
“The announcement of new Chinese purchases of US farm products came only a few days after Trump complained that China was not living up to promises made at the summit to increase its agricultural imports from the US, and renewed his threat to impose further trade tariffs if necessary.”

The best defense is a good offense: Trump's squeeze play suffocates China's economy

Trump Surprised Bride and Groom at Wedding as Attendees Broke into Chants of ‘USA!’
The Beltway Echo Chamber has no clue how popular Trump is with 'regular' folks.

Reps. Cohen, Green vow to keep pursuing articles of impeachment against Trump
Any internet psychiatrists in the house? The impeachment vote last week went down in spectacular flames, so based on the definition of insanity, I can only conclude these Democrats are mentally ill.