Tuesday, July 16, 2019

DHS Chief Said GOP White Nationalism Fueled Attempted Terrorist Attack on Latino Business

"Correlation equals causation!" is all the 'evidence' the MSM would need to power-up its 24/7 concern troll army to demonize, de-platform, or demolish anyone paler than expresso on a color palette - if such a terrible crime occurred. But no such 'Attempted Terrorist Attack on Latino Business' occurred.

Here is what happened: CBP Chief Said Democratic Rhetoric Fueled Attempted Terrorist Attack On ICE Facility.

I'm not sure this is helpful, but since 21st century political wars are fought to the death with narratives, I'll air it out. Particularly when we hear the liturgy of lies burped up almost daily by the Squad of Damaged Goods: "CPB = KKK; Over-crowded facilities = children being tortured; ICE detention = concentration camps..." 

The dead AntiFa terrorist repeatedly injected into his manifesto the same 'concentration camp' bombast used by Rep. Ocasio-Cortez(D) to describe ICE detention facilities. "Correlation equals causation?"

From Jason Hopkins at The Daily Caller:
"Customs and Border Protection acting Commissioner Mark Morgan placed blame on Democratic rhetoric for an attempted terrorist attack on an immigration detention center.

“Why is this happening? We know why it’s happening. The rhetoric that’s out there from our own elected leaders,” the CBP chief said Monday on Fox News. “They are attacking the men and women of ICE. They are attacking the men and women of CBP. It’s unjust, it’s unfair, it’s misinformed — and outright, sometimes they are just lying to the American people, and it’s undoubtedly fueling this.”
Morgan was reacting to the attempted terrorist attack on an ICE facility (last Saturday)."

Yet, this same Squad of Damaged Goods refuses to condemn such attacks or the violent organization that facilitates them.