Monday, July 29, 2019

From 'Bake My Cake' to 'Wax My Testicles'

That escalated quickly.

Perhaps you've not yet been nauseated by Jonathan Yaniv. He's an obstreperous, mentally ill, cross-dresser. Yaniv insists he's a woman. Yaniv demands others call him 'Jessica.'  Yaniv is nothing more than a litigious bully who assails others with his freak flag.

Yaniv has filed sixteen gender-identity discrimination complaints against women in the Vancouver, B.C. area who have refused to perform Brazilian bikini wax procedures on her his male genitalia. One of those complaints filed with the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal last year resulted in the forced shut-down of a salon operated by an immigrant from Brazil.

"According to Jay Cameron, an attorney from the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, most of the women are low-income immigrants."

In Jonathan's twisted world, "This is not about waxing. This is about businesses and individuals using their religion and culture to refuse service to protected groups because -they- don’t agree with it or the person and use that to illegally discriminate contrary to the BC Human Rights Code and the CHRC. …

Jim Goad at Taki's magazine wades into this nasty sewer to understand Waxing Your Balls for Social Justice:
"Yaniv sought to have publication of his name banned when he made international headlines after filing 16 human-rights complaints with the Human Rights Tribunal alleging that 16 estheticians were guilty of transphobic discrimination because they refused to wax his balls. Not being the least bit familiar with genital waxing—I prefer my ladies to look like all three members of the Jimi Hendrix Experience combined down there—apparently waxing male genitals requires an entirely different process than depilatory processes for the ladies.

Because of the way this “Human Rights Tribunal” is configured, the legal complaints cost Yaniv nothing, but each of the 16 women he targeted were required to shell out around $20-$30K to retain a lawyer to defend them or else pay a penalty of around $35K—assuming there were any lawyers willing to defend them way up yonder in Canada, where accusations of “transphobia” are a modern scarlet letter.

Many of the women he shrieked about to the Tribunal were of foreign origin, where touching a man’s balls was considered inappropriate in almost every possible scenario, possibly even marriage—one may forgive me for being unaware of whether testicle-petting is considered haram in Islam."
No one expects the intersectionality inquisition. Yaniv's targets are only women. Only immigrants. Only minding their own business. 

His protected status is superior. The Tribunal has spoken.