Wednesday, July 17, 2019

House in Chaos as Rep. Cleaver(D) Drops Gavel, Abandons Chair after Speaker Pelosi's 'Racist' Comment

“We don’t ever, ever want to pass up, it seems, an opportunity to escalate. That’s what this is,” says Cleaver. “We want to just fight. I abandon the chair.”

It was a dark and stormy night in the U.S. House of Representatives on Tuesday as debate raged on the floor as to whether or not to strike from the record Speaker Pelosi's 'racist' comment directed at President Trump. The Democratic-led U.S. House attempted a vote to publicly discipline Trump for telling four Congresswomen of color to go back to their countries.

House rules dictate what kind of language lawmakers are allowed to use on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives. Lawmakers are not permitted to make "personality-based comments" or anything that impugns another member or official.

During the debate, Democrat Rep. Pramila Jayapal rebuffed Rep. Sean Duffy(R) when he characterized some Democrats as "anti-American." Jayapal questioned whether that kind of language was permitted.

Soon after, Speaker Nancy Pelosi described a string of tweets by President Donald Trump as "racist." When Republican Rep. Doug Collins of Georgia moved to strike Pelosi's words, the fighting that ensued pushed Rep. Emanuel Cleaver of Missouri over the edge. In an unprecedented move (at least in recent memory), Rep. Cleaver dropped his gavel, and abandoned the Chair.

The motion to strike Pelosi's comments failed 190-232. The subsequent vote to publicly discipline President Donald Trump for his 'racist' tweets passed along party lines, 240-187.

These conniving congress critters under Pelosi's command couldn't call out by name the rabid anti-Semite in their midst, Ilhan Omar(D), in ordrr to condemn her antisemitic twitter rant last March, yet once again, the instrument of government is targeted against only one person - Trump.

The Democrat-controlled House can't vote on fixing our immigration laws, or reigning in the out-of-control deficit, or defending our borders, but they sure as hell can waste the taxpayers' $$$ on a showboat resolution that carries no legal consequences.

H/t: John Combest