Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Missouri Department of Conservation Agents Arrest Walnut Timber Thieves

And now for something completely different; Good ol' fashioned, garden-variety local news that's not bat-crap crazy.

From Bill Graham at MDC:
"According to Protection District Supervisor Joni Bledsoe, the overall saw log value of the stolen walnut trees was $61,804. These trees were taken off public lands in Henry, Benton, St. Clair, and Vernon counties. Bledsoe also noted the trees had a scenic value to people and a food and habitat value for wildlife. The walnut trees stolen from public lands were taken from MDC conservation areas and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers land. Thefts on private land were also reported, including property owned by The Nature Conservancy.

Thus far, eight individuals have been arrested. The felony charges filed to date in Henry, Benton, and St. Clair counties include: fourteen counts stealing, three counts of property damage, three counts of receiving stolen property, and one count of possession of a controlled substance (methamphetamine). Eight misdemeanor charges have also been filed. MDC and other law enforcement agencies continue to investigate additional timber thefts, including those reported in Vernon County and on U.S. Corps of Engineers property around Truman Lake. More charges could be forthcoming.

The investigation began early in 2018 and has involved dozens of MDC personnel including 20 Conservation Agents along with staff from the Forestry, Wildlife, and Resource Science Divisions. MDC investigators also had assistance for the sheriff’s departments in Benton, Cedar, Henry, St. Clair, and Vernon counties. El Dorado Springs Police Department and rangers from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers also assisted with the investigations.

“Cooperation has been the name of the game since the walnut theft investigations started,” Bledsoe said. “The teamwork has been outstanding.”"
This is a good reminder that conservation agents are law enforcement with the same authority as any metropolitan police officer in a squad car.

Hmm. I wonder if these timber thieves know anything about my Kodiak trailer stolen off my land 3 years ago?