Thursday, July 25, 2019

The Andy Weissmann Show, with Guest Host 'Snoozy' Mueller

"Sucking the air out of impeachment, so Lefty tears rush in to fill the vacuum" Edition.

 That was sad, almost painful to watch 'snoozy,' former Special Counsel Bob Mueller perform for allegedly mentally ill, House Judiciary chairman Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY), and his Congressional sh!t show. I said 'almost.'

Far more talented people than Moi have put pontification to paper regarding this matter, so let's get linky.

Robert Mueller Just Killed Impeachment
"Mueller’s excruciating testimony made it obvious that he was unfamiliar with crucial passages of the report that bears his name and important aspects of how “his” investigation was carried out."

Pelosi rebuffs Nadler on impeachment after Mueller flop

House Democrats should be rounded up, arrested for elder abuse

WATCH: Former prosecutor scolds Mueller for violating justice system’s ‘most sacred of traditions’ in Russia probe

Support for impeachment falls as 2020 heats up

Down to 21 percent of registered voters approve of impeachment attempts against Trump. What's the definition of insanity?

Democrats are now left with one option to end Trump’s presidency: The 2020 election
Golly. It's like that's a Constitutional  requirement, or something.

Schiff: Pro-impeachment Democrats feel 'stronger' after Mueller hearing
What's the definition of insanity, again?

Good times, from just 8 short months ago: "We wish you a Mueller Christmas"

Have yourself a merry little cup of schadenfreude, Leftists!