Friday, July 19, 2019

This Guy Really Needs a Lawyer So Let’s Not Give Him One

From Joe Bob Briggs at Taki's Magazine:
"But look what just happened to Ronald S. Sullivan Jr., a Harvard Law professor and one of the nation’s top criminal defense attorneys, when he joined the Harvey Weinstein defense team in January. Harvard students protested, the university ordered a “climate investigation” (whatever that is), and he eventually lost his credentials as a dean.

Let me just state the one percent position here, since nobody else is doing it:

The measure of a great attorney is that he takes the most unpopular client in the world, accused of the most horrendous crimes in the world, and gives him a vigorous defense. This is the essence of our system. It’s fundamental to what makes us different from France, Russia, China, or even England, where the rights of the accused are much more vaguely defined. Sullivan taking the Weinstein case should have been a teaching moment, a chance for Harvard Law students to study the nitty-gritty of how you defend one of the most despised defendants in history. Instead, a huge group of students at a liberal university decided, “Harvey Weinstein doesn’t deserve a lawyer, and any lawyer who defends him is guilty by association.”

Strange times we live in."