Friday, August 02, 2019

A Few Headlines

'The week end approacheth, M'Lord' edition 

The 'most searched' Democrat candidate during Thursday night's debate wasn't Harris - not even close.

Senator Kamala Harris Lives In the Most Segregated Neighborhood in Los Angeles
Demand your enemy live up to their own standards. - Saul Alinsky

CNN's "journalist" spews his hatred in the form of a question
"Don Lemon."

Glenn Reynolds on Whether a Soft Civil War is Happening in America
No 'spoiler alert' required.

IRS Complaint Filed Against Wife of Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD)
"Mrs. Cummings is currently Chair of the Maryland Democratic Party and is a former candidate for Governor. Rep. Cummings is Chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Reform."
'Oversite & reform to what purpose?' is the obvious question.

Wear MAGA hats!: Pro-Trumper Organizes Trash Clean-up Day in Baltimore
"I've received so many volunteer requests, I can hardly keep up."
Light a candle instead of curse their darkness.

Baltimore property owned by Rep. Elijah Cummings(D) burglarized hours before Trump tweet attack
"The reported break-in came about four hours before Trump set off a firestorm in the media by deriding Cummings’ district as a "disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess."
Facts don't matter. Orange Man Bad!

It's About Time Someone Pushed Back About The Disaster Of Democrat-Controlled Cities
It can be done. Just ask former NY Mayor Rudy Giuliani(R).

The Surprising Return of Witches
"Witchcraft, in its modern feminist occult packaging, seems to be a misguided response to the profound questions that dog our age. It’s the wrong answer to the right question."
Could this obliquely explain the 'Marianne Williamson(D)' infatuation?

I even made up a superhero identity for myself: Whorella.
A sad tale of a damaged, young, promiscuous woman with an STD. Nowadays, she’s offering relationship advice. Because it's the 21st century.

ISLAMOCOPIA FRIDAY: What’s New in the Religion of Peace
Well, it certainly ain't peace.

Did hell freeze over? New York Times bashes Al Sharpton
If by 'bashes' you mean recounting the facts about this execrable race hustler, starting with the lurid Tawana Brawley gang-rape hoax, plus Sharpton's blatant incitement to violence during the Crown Heights riots of 1991, then I'd say frost warnings in hell are probably the best we'll get from the NY Times.

First, Pete; Now, repeat: WaPo publishes Al Sharpton is not a lifelong fighter for justice.
"Sharpton is unworthy of such praise, so much so that the decision to back him reflexively is a massive moral demerit. Calling Sharpton a lifelong fighter for “justice” ignores his history of race-baiting and deadly anti-Semitic incitement."

Trump orders Navy to rescind medals from lawyers who prosecuted SEAL Eddie Gallagher
"The four attorneys who prosecuted Gallagher were given Navy Achievement Medals last month, the Navy Times reported.

Gallagher, 40, was acquitted by a military jury July 3 of a murder charge in connection with the 2017 death of an ISIS fighter in Iraq and released after getting credit for time served."
I'll drink Trump's bathwater and have his baby.

Chinese Emperor’s Terracotta Army Based on Hellenistic Art
"The startling claim is based on two key pieces of evidence: European DNA discovered at sites in China’s Xinjiang province from the time of the First Emperor in the Third Century BC and the sudden appearance of life-sized statues."
We are a highly mobile species, and have been since before the great flood.

97% of climate scientists agree that we only have 18 months to save their jobs
Satire alert, Snopes.

H/t: Maggie's farm & The Other McCain