Friday, August 16, 2019

New Witness Claims He Saw CNN's Don Lemon Sexually Assault Man in Hamptons

Caleb Ecarma at Media-ite brings us the disgusting details:
"During an interview with Fox News on Friday, the self-purported witness, George Gounelas, said that Lemon’s accuser, Dustin Hice, was his subordinate working at a Hamptons bar when the assault is alleged to have occurred. Gounelas, who is named in the lawsuit as a witness, explained that on the night of the encounter, the two were getting post-work drinks at Murf’s Backstreet Tavern when they spotted Lemon and offered to buy him a drink.

When Lemon declined their offer, Gounelas said the two walked away — only to have the pundit come back to them later:
(Lemon allegedly said), "So you like me? Is that why you’re bothering me?’”
Gounelas claims Hice replied by saying they “just wanted to say what’s up,” which allegedly led Lemon — who he accused of appearing “pretty drunk” — to say something “along the lines of, ‘Do you like me? Is that why you’re bothering me, because you wanna f— me?’”

“He put his hands down his pants, inside his board shorts, grabbed his [genitals], and then came out with two fingers and, like, clipped Dustin’s nose up and down with two fingers asking ‘do you like pussy  or dick?’” Gounelas told Fox.

The plaintiff’s former boss went on to note that while he found the encounter funny, Hice “was in this shock mode” and called it “disgusting.” Gounelas also insisted that the alleged incident was seen by other witnesses and became well known in the local community:.."
 #BelieveAllVictims demands that CNN fire Don Lemon for this alleged disgusting assault.

H/t: Weasel Zippers