Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Plainy, Democrats Hate Jews

They Don't Even Try to Hide It Anymore. Prove me wrong.

Don’t Fall For Omar And Tlaib’s Lies About Israel
Nearly everything Democratic Reps. Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib said in their two-woman production of 'Israel is Evil' on Monday was untrue.
The Myth of Jewish Influence in the Democrat Party
Meet the Three Stooges: Schumer, Nadler, and Schiff.
Trump Blasts Anti-Semitic Democrats: They ‘Hate Israel And Hate Jewish People’

Criticism of Israel Is Not Anti-Semitism; Anti-Zionism Is
"Imagine a group of people who work to destroy Italy because, they claim, Italy's origins are illegitimate. Imagine further that these people maintain that of all the countries in the world, only Italy is illegitimate. And then imagine that these people vigorously deny they are in any way anti-Italian. Would you believe them? Or would you dismiss their argument as not only dishonest but absurd?"
Donald Trump: Jews Voting Democrat Show ‘Total Lack of Knowledge or Great Disloyalty’

My headline was deliberately broad and inclusive (I hear 'inclusive' is a thing nowadays). All Democrats hate Jews? No. Just the ones elected to Congress. Why do I say that?

From March of this year: House broadly condemns hate after anti-Semitism dispute
"They split sharply from Democratic leaders who seemed caught off guard by the support for Omar and unprepared for the debate. But the leaders regrouped.

“It’s not about her. It’s about these forms of hatred,” Speaker Nancy Pelosi said before the vote."
'It’s not about her.' Omar wasn't censured, or expelled. There was no recall election. Instead, the congress critters passed a resolution to condemn 'hate.' Their fortitude was underwhelming. Plus, to re-enforce her bad behavior, Omar was allowed to retain her seat on the Foreign Affairs Committee.

Yet, Republicans removed Rep. Steve King(R) from his committee seat after his bizarre 'white nationalist' comments were published in the NY Times last January.

And in a further dog whistle of approval for Omar's spew of Jew hate, Pelosi chose to pose with a few of her noxious BFFs on the cover of Rolling Stone Magazine. Seig smile! Seig smile! V.P. Mike Pence has since publicly called for Pelosi to remove Omar from House Foreign Affairs Committee, to no avail.

Wait. There's more. From April of this year: This disgusting cartoon published by the mouthpiece for the DNC, a former newspaper called the NY Times, that never met a Democrat policy or candidate it didn't endorse.

From July this year: House in Chaos as Rep. Cleaver(D) Drops Gavel, Abandons Chair after Speaker Pelosi's 'Racist' Comment
"The motion to strike Pelosi's comments failed 190-232. The subsequent vote to publicly discipline President Donald Trump for his 'racist' tweets passed along party lines, 240-187.

These conniving congress critters under Pelosi's command couldn't call out by name the rabid anti-Semite in their midst, Ilhan Omar(D), in ordrr to condemn her antisemitic twitter rant last March, yet once again, the instrument of government is targeted against only one person - Trump."
My final entry into evidence that all Democrats elected to Congress hate Jews is Democrats’ Tolerance of Anti-Semitism Exposes Their Intolerance

They Don't Even Try to Hide It Anymore. Prove me wrong.

H/t: AoSHQ