Monday, August 19, 2019

Quote, Unquote

"This past Saturday saw violent attacks on pro-American peaceful demonstrators by the black-is-the-new-brown-shirt terrorist organization Antifa in Portland. Although the Portland Police at least appeared to fake protecting the protestors, everything from mace and milkshakes to some people reportedly attacked with hammers was used in the attempt to draw blood.

There is no equivalency. This is completely one-sided. And yet you have double-talking crackpots like this Debra Haaland from New Mexico defending the goons, calling them “peaceful” and praising them for “safeguarding their city.” Dan Crenshaw notes the irony of the real anti-fascist anti-totalitarian protesters in Hong Kong waving the American flag while these demented fiends burn it at every opportunity." - J.J. Sefton, The Morning Report 8-19-19

Related: Not One Democrat Presidential Candidate Condemns the Violent Far-Left Mob Antifa