Monday, August 12, 2019

Sen. Elizabeth Warren(D) Calls Obama's AG Eric Holder a Liar.

In a callous, irresponsible tweet over the weekend, the Democrat presidential candidate dredged up the libelous, racist lie that unarmed, 18 y.o. Michael Brown was murdered by Ferguson, Missouri police officer Darren Wilson, five years ago this month.

On March 4, 2015, the Justice Department published an 86 page report detailing their investigation and conclusion about the incident: Justice Department clears Darren Wilson in Michael Brown killing.
The report also stated "that physical evidence and “credible” witnesses supported Wilson’s version of an event that drew international attention and triggered repeated protests which included looting and arson in Ferguson, Dellwood, St. Louis and elsewhere."
“Michael Brown’s death, though a tragedy, did not involve prosecutable conduct on the part of Officer Wilson,” Attorney General Eric Holder said at a news conference. “The report we have issued and the steps we have taken are only the beginning of a necessarily resource-intensive and inclusive process to promote reconciliation, to reduce and eliminate bias and to bridge gaps and build understanding,” Holder added."
Democrat presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren just called him a liar. Not that anyone in the MSM will care, or report.